Couch To 5 X is a programme that supports inactive people to move a bit more. Rather than giving people an objective, the programme helps participants identify their own goal – one that is realistic and desirable for them. As a Couch To 5 X Motivator you’ll help them with this process and with the ups and downs of their journey as they achieve it.
Changing inactive behaviour is difficult – even when we know its good for us. As a volunteer you will be trained to understand why this is so hard to alter our inactive habits. You will learn the skills that will allow you to motivate and support people to make and sustain small improvements that can become life-changing.
You will be paired with a programme participant(s) and explore with them how they want might move more. You’ll support them to construct an individualised programme of change, checking in, encouraging and reflecting with them on how they are progressing on a regular basis. You will also be expected to log this progress and what you learn and observe, feeding back to the programme co-ordinator.
You don’t need to be an Olympic contender to motivate others, but you do need to be positive, non-judgmental and a great listener. Couch To 5 X volunteers will have great people skills, a genuine desire to help others and have a willingness to learn.
You will be paired with participants who match your availability, location and preferred type of contact (e.g. face to face, virtual etc.)