The Dogs for Good Registered Speaker supports the Charity by acting as our ambassador. Our Registered Speakers spread the word to groups and organisations in their local area, following guidelines and principles set by the Charity.
The role is an important one as often this is the first time that people will have heard about the wonderful work our dogs do and how they change the lives of adults and children with physical disabilities, and families with children with autism. As well as promoting the Charity, our Speakers also help raise much needed funds and encourage others to do the same. Registered Speakers give as much or as little time as they choose to fit in with their own lifestyles. There is no set quota or target – every talk given is a bonus for the Charity – but a good ‘rule of thumb’ is to be able to undertake at least one talk each month. Talk requests passed to a Speaker will be within an agreed geographical area and the Speaker will confirm they are able to undertake the talk with the Community Fundraiser who organises them on behalf of the various groups. Speakers are also encouraged to promote and organise their own talks with advertising materials provided by the Charity. We provide training, any necessary equipment and ongoing support, while our Speakers deliver the talk, spread the Dogs for Good’s message and take the applause!